New Tortosa Hospital in Tarragona
Speaking of space in a project like this implies considering the subjective experience of inhabiting it. Thus, we would like to imagine that walking through these greenhouse-corridors, waiting in front of a Plaza Patio or staying under the trees of the Urban Forest for a while are experiences that can be provided by architecture if understood as a sensitive instrument that handles materials, colours and natural light as the ingredients of the project. The interest in constructing a specific personality for the hospital derives from the relationship between the aforementioned elements, dismissing the default finishings and the repetitive elements of the typical medical environment, which often turn out to be disorienting for the patients.
This goal is accomplished by referring the users to certain apprehended, subjective experiences: the colours of the regional landscape, traditional architecture, the manipulation of the Mediterranean light as the best vernacular architecture would do … Our ideal hospital in these terms would implement architecture in order to achieve the maximum operational and technological ambitions while connecting directly to a collective unconscious that dilutes any prevention and discomfort.